Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Touching the Hem of Ginsberg's Coat

Listening to you read to the great gods
digitalis, iPod, DDR
I realized I missed you
dripping coffee in my
reminding me that tracks marks
lead somewhere
and ten years is more than
roads untraveled
lives unlived.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

All The People

Culminate the possibilities
that life is more than a succession
of small successions
And I, you, me, he, she
might just be then
flesh and bone
taste and sound

dirt and sky.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I wasn't okay when you tangoed
in the horizontal direction
with a powderless

So I told you
poured my heart out in a
glass Smuckers jar

let you take a sip to linger
with cold Chinese and
alcoholed decisions

but she told me that two
was not a lucky number

and I wrapped myself in closer

hid the piece I gave you
that I thought you kept

dropped on the floor
of youthful indulgence and

gathered in hands still shaking
with weathered

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Smoking Hot

Are your lungs
as you light their way
down a carcinogen lit path
to the revolving door of the
city morgue

And I feel bad

I really do

About constantly reminding you
in quiet comments and angry rants

But sometimes I feel if I had
put out a torch or
jammed the door

I might have you a little

I might see you
a little more

I might know you
a little better

far beyond my own sadness
failed attempts
ashy wishes

beyond reality
heaped in piles
at your feet.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mango Lemonade

You look good

soft and sweet
dripping nature's honey
down my lips
like a Snapple infomercial
on pollination

but how you sting

made me think that maybe
you weren't finely ground
industrial glass

shimmering to the touch
but sharp as hell

and can I blame you?

You are what you are

smiling in my fingertips
but tart on my

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Broken Record

Menthol state of mind
hidden behind a cardboard
fortress of papertude
day-dreaming about
missing the sound of
clicking keys
squeaky tires
feminine laughter

three plus years later
and play it again, Sam
I never tire of remembering
the remembering of

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Can't Quit You

I tried

I really did

Walked away for all of four hours

blurry and blustery
kicking cats and daydreaming WWF style
staring out a bloodshot bulb
angry that someone might want to know
if we have Mitchner
if I could recommend a good cookbook

Fuck You Mitchner!!
Fuck You Cookbook!!

And Fuck You, Coffee, you beautiful bitch
because as much as I try
your the Heath to my Gyllenhaal

and I just can't quit you.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


glassy-eyed mocha's
needles in the crook
stacks of idiot's orange & white

and these fingers are numb

tapping saxophone lips
laughing in circles
spinning repetitive wheelies
on dusty conversations
in the daytime dark.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Counter Girl

Ganesha has nothing on me
and I pet your choice of
Christian Fic and YA Novels

Not quite special enough for
the weekly Wednesday

But oh do I like a challenge

Standing alone in my element
books and people
random encounters
possibilities out the
proverbial yin-yang

And then it's done
no one noticed
and I'm driving back
to where the quiet ones
come from

It's only a year in the life
and I fade, like I always do
in the background of
day-to-every single of my lifetime

until they ask for me
two months later
wondering where she went
so smiley
so helpful
so good at being
what they wanted
what they needed
what they didn't know they had

until it was gone.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gift Horse

my face is hot
but you gave me freezer lemonade
served appropriately in a
mason jar

and I could take off my
skin, leave it in a puddle
on the warehouse floor
rummage in the dirty records
bare bone and a
stupid grin

mere elements of flesh
left dwelling in that glass
until someone finished me
or poured me out

letting me dance in their
digestive juices or get absorbed
by the Tuesday sun

grizzly gravy to your pro-offered
token, odd dwellings of a
macabre mind

but I think I'll pass
I don't want you to think me
forward, flesh being a
hot topic and I'm not really
all that thirsty anymore

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Barielles smoking in my ear
closing me up
mason on your shelf
wanting to be discarded in
ditch trail sunshine and
murky water

confections evade me
promises of this week
or maybe next
or maybe next

until its 5am
in the dark stacks
loneliness left for
last years girl

tomorrow's who knows

and yes, Mark, we are indeed
living dead.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Only Exception

Pink Flamingos in a bronz goat mountain
Little girls and Little boys flying
rainbow kites in the cold March wind
Flying Saucers masquerading as lights
above the brown table where I
compose my first of many black and
white firsts reminding me reminding me
reminding me

you are my only exception
only you
have ever been
only you
will ever

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Walking In The Dark

The Marina is 2 miles long
gravel catching my tennies
crinkled paper in the night air

and you make me want to walk
in the dark

You probably didn't mean it

cream in the black coffee cup
I got you for

but you said it
and I put it on
leggings and a
maroon sweater
close to my skin

there's a place on the 2 mile
dark and deserted
good spot for a...

in the dark

because they wouldn't
because I'm not their type
because you made it clear

I never would be.

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Why oh why do I have to wear you?
I mean really?

I know that my legs are chubby
my knees scarred from bike rides
and pocketing edema

My thighs may be a little unshaved
freckled and bumpy
covered in random marks

But their sturdy, these legs of mine
they get me from here to there
they work well enough

So why do I have to cover them?
Why do they have to hide?

I've never found reason to doubt their
I've never found reason to make them

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I didn't know that when I walked in
you'd be waiting in slippers
and old pajamas
eyes blurred from degenerative
tears teasing the corners
arms stretched crookedly out
to present me with a gift.

And I took it
because I promised I would
but we both knew what that meant

and neither one of us felt like a winner.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I wish the world were a gigantic
bean bag

this way everywhere I go I could

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Space on the Blanket

Light and Dark
cannot occupy
the same

That's why Lucy never got
invited to the

He refused to bring Lemonade
when God gave him

Monday, January 3, 2011


Oh I could tell you
long as the yellow spun
one hell of a

But I won't.

I prefer to leave the
to your

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Dirty Laundry

I drape you around me
smeared in yesterday's
squeaky wheelchair grease
and chocolate stained smudges.

You loved me then
Beautiful me
Beautiful you
Beautiful then.

But it's today
the wheelchair was given
to the Care Chest
and I don't get coffee
at that Raley's

You still love me
Beautiful me
Beautiful you
Beautiful now

only I can't drape
what has been washed
with the detergent
of time around shoulders
older and wiser
to the cost of a
clean shirt

but I can remember
the feel of it
long after the stain
is gone.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I fell again
between the driver's side
and the gear shift.

You looked for me
eyes scanning bathroom counters
and couch crevices.

But alas
I wasn't where
you thought I

waiting for you
to notice
waiting for you
to feel

cool touch of my
silicon casing
only to discover
twenty-five cents
and toothpaste
don't add up
to the clean connectivity
of my numbered face

which is why I've
developed a homing beacon
because I might have to
go home with a stranger
if you don't notice

the places
you're missing.