Monday, January 25, 2010


I was a Weight Watcher.

I watched it as it curved around
made me warm and
gave me something to hold
in the long days ahead.

It broke your heart
one two three
and I've pied my

But she made me cry
because you had to tell
and I let her think
she was more than sound
blowing over
vocal cords.

She made me cry
and I wanted you
to have been the one
who found a voice
good or bad
kind or mean
now or then
in friendship and

But you're the right BMI
lifer of the point system
measuring my betrayal
in mochas and pumpkin cake
and I've only ever found
the comfort I needed
willing me forward
one bitchy day at a time
in the warmth of fat
surrounding me with more
than I don't cares
and it's up to yous
of a heart left open
and a love