Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Parking Lot Avocado

Found you
sitting in the middle of an
asphalt dream


falling for the feel of
hot black pavement


to the sun
to the sky
to the girl walking by
thinking maybe you're a


of good things yet
to happen, hopes waiting

wanting to be found
wanting to be loved
wanting to be filled.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


I read somewhere
that you live in a

And it shocked me.

Not because you might be able
to balance the requests of
the heart and the hammer

Or because you're such a
sly dog that you make
PB&J for three instead of two.

Nope, just didn't expect it.

And I know another couple
sweet as honey and tea
all three of them.

They do not shock me
and I see how sometimes
what isn't is

but you are not them
you have not held me crying
in open arms and listened to
me prattle away about
Jesus and coffee

you are miles
too high
too far
to reach

so I raise my brows
arched in the obligatory "oh"
for the knowledge that
some things still exist
that are quite
not what I guessed
or thought
or dreamed would be


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Concept of Sleep

Clock beating the drum
live Jazz band playing Summertime
in my head

and I'd say it's insomnia
or frustration
or life's many kafuffles

but who am I kidding?

I simply do not see the point
All the fun stuff happens
when you're open

I'll get enough of the
40 winks when I'm dead.

Today is for living
so I'm going to live it

red-eyed and caffeinated
waiting to greet the
of another 1440
minutes without the
complication of

Monday, September 20, 2010

Random You

Drinking up the access to the
Internet Highway
I saw a glimpse of you
and I felt something.



I don't know.

But it's the first time I've
felt anything
in a long

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Quiet

Drinking a cup of day old coffee
Starbucks asstacular Breakfast Blend
Selah playing broken roads in the
background changing to Wes King's
90s contrived Christian beat
making me mute the TV
taking another sip
of bitter

you are not here
but I feel you
in the quiet

and the dryer
breaks the moment
spaghetti bowling
my dirty work